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Диссертации для загрузки.

Suraj: Продолжение темы, которая сейчас в архиве: http://clearlight.borda.ru/?1-20-0-00000228-000-10001-0

Ответов - 36

Suraj: Origination, Transmission, and Reception of the Phur-pa Cycle : A Study of the rDo-rje-phur-pa Cycle of Tantric Teachings in Tibet with Special Reference to Sog-bzlog-pa Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshan's (1552–1624) Phur pa lo rgyus Li, Mengyan Hamburg, 2018 https://ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de/bitstream/ediss/8169/1/Dissertation.pdf

Suraj: Продолжение другой темы, которая сейчас в архиве: http://clearlight.borda.ru/?1-2-0-00000006-000-0-0-1323888187

Suraj: Making the Old New Again and Again: Legitimation and Innovation in the Tibetan Buddhist Chöd Tradition Sorensen, Michelle Janet May 23, 2013 https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D84M9BSB My dissertation offers a revisionary history of the early development of Chöd, a philosophy and practice that became integral to all Tibetan Buddhist schools. Recent scholars have interpreted Chöd ahistorically, considering it as a shamanic tradition consonant with indigenous Tibetan practices. In contrast, through a study of the inception, lineages, and praxis of Chöd, my dissertation argues that Chöd evolved through its responses to particular Buddhist ideas and developments during the "later spread" of Buddhism in Tibet. I examine the efforts of Machik Labdrön (1055-1153), the founder of Chöd and the first woman to develop a Buddhist tradition in Tibet

Suraj: Tsongkhapa’s Coordination of Sūtra and Tantra: Ascetic Performance, Narrative, and Philosophy in the Creation of the Tibetan Buddhist Self Arnold, Edward Allen 2021 https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/d8-c3ht-bt53

Suraj: Dharma Possession: Daishi Myōjin and the Roles of Gods and Past Masters in the Preservation of Teachings at Premodern Kōyasan Tinsley, Elizabeth Noelle 2019 https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/d8-z3nf-z032 This dissertation is about the preservation of Buddhist teachings by means of seemingly unconventional methods. When lineages and factions competed for authority and for teachings that were believed to be in danger of being corrupted, or lost altogether, scholar monks of the Chūin-ryū lineage at Kōyasan restored, reinstated, and redelivered certain teachings through oracles given by the mountain gods, through paintings and their inscriptions, and through rituals.

Suraj: Esoteric Moxibustion for Demonic Disease: Efficacy and Ritual Healing in Medieval Japanese Buddhism Macomber, Andrew 2019 https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/d8-9ear-my71 This dissertation explores ritual healing and the issue of efficacy in early medieval Japanese Buddhism through a study of The Ritual of Shōmen Kongō for Expelling Demons and Māras. Designed by monks of the Jimon branch of the Tendai school in the 1170’s and transmitted over the thirteenth century, this ritual stood out in the field of esoteric ritual healing at the time for two significant reasons. First, its therapeutic program was centered on moxibustion (kyū), a Chinese medical modality in which the healer burns dried mugwort on multiple locations on the patient’s body. Second, it was the earliest esoteric rite created in Japan to target a single, named affliction. That affliction was “corpse-vector disease” (denshibyō), a contagious wasting disorder known to Japan through transmitted classical Chinese medical texts as well as Buddhist scriptures. Until this time, esoteric ritual healing in Japan had never before featured direct engagement with the patient’s body so prominently. What was it about corpse-vector disease, an affliction that only became known in the late twelfth century, that spurred monks to reorient esoteric ritual healing around a technology for burning the body of the sick? Why, moreover, had Jimon monks made the unprecedented move of looking beyond the tried-and-true techniques of the esoteric ritual repertoire to instead adopt a non-Buddhist medical modality?

Suraj: Mīmāṃsā, Vedānta, and the Bhakti Movement Venkatkrishnan, Anand 2015 THESES DOCTORAL https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D8KS6QWV

Suraj: К большому сожалению. Ресурсы в сети, которые выкладывали подборки диссертаций и статей, которыми некоторые пользовались, включая меня,- исчезли. Доступ к поисковой системе диссертаций в электронном формате через колумбийский университет тоже мною утрачен. И вдруг до меня дошло, что почти все файлы утрачены, с состоянием полу-комы моего древнего laptop-а, с которого ничего нельзя скопировать и он отключён от интернета... В данной теме я буду выкладывать ссылки на открытые источники. Кое что я попытаюсь загрузить со своих 20-летней давности компактных дисков.. Отсортировав, я попробую выложить самое ценное в открытый доступ опять. Знание должно принадлежать народу! . Хотя народ сюда уже вроде и не заходит.... Ну если в случае, кто-то по старой памяти опять забредёт...

Suraj: Interpreting the Vajra Rosary: Truth and Method Meets Wisdom and Method Kittay, David R. 2011 THESES https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D8PC38RB This essay, accompanied by the first full English translation of the Vajramala or Vajra Rosary, one of the explanatory Tantras of the Buddhist Guhyasamaja, or Secret Community, Tantric system, and a partial translation of Alamkakalasa's Commentary, sets out a novel hermeneutic method by which twenty-first century scholars of religion might approach the interpretation of the Tantra and other texts.

Suraj: Metaphor (Upacâra) in Early Yogâcâra Thought and Its Intellectual Context Tzohar, Roy 2011 THESES https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D83R20QQ

Suraj: The Revival of Tiantai Buddhism in the Late Ming: On the Thought of Youxi Chuandeng (1554-1628) Ma, Yung-fen 2011 THESES https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D81G0T8P This dissertation is a study of Youxi Chuandeng's (1554-1628) transformation of "Buddha-nature includes good and evil," also known as "inherent evil," a unique idea representing Tiantai's nature-inclusion philosophy in Chinese Buddhism. Focused on his major treatise On Nature Including Good and Evil, this research demonstrates how Chuandeng, in his efforts to regenerate Tiantai, incorporated the important intellectual themes of the late Ming, especially those found in the Śūraṃgama Sūtra. In his treatise, Chuandeng systematically presented his ideas on doctrinal classification, the principle of nature-inclusion, and the practice of the Dharma-gate of inherent evil. Redefining Tiantai doctrinal classification, he legitimized the idea of inherent evil to be the highest Buddhist teaching and proved the superiority of Buddhism over Confucianism.

Suraj: Vajra hermeneutics: A study of Vajrayāna scholasticism in the “Pradīpoddyotana” Campbell, John R. B.   Columbia University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2009. https://www.proquest.com/openview/7d5e2e029a4afff128e9b715f3cee6d0/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y

Suraj: White Robes, Matted Hair: Tibetan Tantric Householders, Moral Sexuality, and the Ambiguities of Esoteric Buddhist Expertise in Exile Joffe, Ben Philip.   University of Colorado at Boulder ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2019. 27663085. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2335180529/DB4ABADBCFDF495EPQ/1 Abstract (Summary) This dissertation offers an ethnographic study of ngakpa/ma (sngags pa/ma, m.f.)–Tibetan Buddhist non-monastic, non-celibate tantric yogis and yoginis–living in the Tibetan diaspora. Like monks and nuns, ngakpa/ma are professionally religious, yet unlike their monastic counterparts they can marry, have families, and pursue worldly work. Living in ‘the village’ like ordinary laypeople but also spending much of their time in retreat or working as ritual specialists for hire, ngakpa/ma occupy a shifting, third space between monastic renunciation and worldly attachments. Based on roughly five years of fieldwork research conducted in Tibetan and Tibetan Buddhist communities in India, Nepal, Northeastern Tibet, and the United States, this thesis explores how ngakpa/mas’ historically decentralized, morally ambiguous esoteric expertise has become implicated in various projects of cultural preservation and reform for exile Tibetans, even as it has come to circulate and have meaning well beyond the purview of ethnic Tibetan communities and interests. Chapters One to Five offer an overview of how ngakpa/ma and ngakpa/ma orientations have been pinned down (or have failed to be pinned down) in exile, via language; gendered divisions of labor; in physical space and permanent institutions; through hair, clothing, and embodied comportment; and as part of new family and career trajectories. Chapters Six to Nine examine how contentious esoteric tantric yogic practices, associated with sexuality and Tibetan medicine in particular, are being popularized and reframed in exile in new ways and for new audiences as part of increasingly transnational networks of exchange. In these chapters, I underscore the polysemous quality of tantric practices, and reflect on my own collaborations with a Tibetan ngakpa-doctor to translate and share information on Tibetan tantric yogic practices more widely. In conclusion, I assess trends and quandaries that have dominated the academic study of secrecy and esoteric religions and highlight the implications and value of an ethnographic approach to researching tantric traditions.”

Suraj: Anusmrti in Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna perspectives: A lens for the full range of Buddha's teachings Roe, Sharon J.   California Institute of Integral Studies ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2014.  https://www.proquest.com/docview/1540842146/21E1CDC8582947E7PQ/2 Abstract Translate This research investigates anusmrti (Sanskrit), rjes su dran pa (Tibetan), anussati (Pāli), and considers how this term might serve as a link for finding a commonality in practices in Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna traditions. The research was inspired by the work of Buddhist scholars Janet Gyatso, Paul Harrison, and Matthew Kapstein. Each of them has noted the importance of the term anusmrti in Buddhist texts and Buddhist practice. Harrison sees a connection between Hīnayāna practices of buddhānusmrti and a host of Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna practices. He notes that buddhānusmrti can be seen as a source of later, more elaborate Vajrayāna visualization practices ("Commemoration" 215). Gyatso investigates contextual meanings of the term anusmrti and cites meanings that include an element of commemoration and devotion. She notes that varieties of anusmrti are considered beneficial for soteriological development and are deliberately cultivated for that purpose (Mirror of Memory 2-3). Matthew Kapstein refers to a type of anusmrti that is the palpable recovery of a state of being or affect. This, he says, is not simply the memory of the experience but the recovery of the sense of being in that state ("Amnesic Monarch" 234). Essential to the research were the teachings of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Anam Thubten Rinpoche on Buddha-nature and Pure Vision.

Suraj: Water Moons and Other Perfectly Pure Illusions: Longchen Rabjam’s Dzogchen Synthesis in Finding Rest in Illusion Water Moons and Other Perfectly Pure Illusions: Longchen Rabjam’s Dzogchen Synthesis in Finding Rest in Illusion https://www.proquest.com/docview/2487180437/21E1CDC8582947E7PQ/14

Suraj: The Brahmayāmalatantra and early Śaiva cult of yoginīs Hatley, Shaman.   University of Pennsylvania ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2007.  https://www.proquest.com/docview/304836235/D4FEC44D804D4FF1PQ/25

Suraj: Invoking the blessings of the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess Tara through chanting her mantra to overcome fear Villanueva, Karen Nelson.   California Institute of Integral Studies ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2013.  https://www.proquest.com/docview/1492362823/21E1CDC8582947E7PQ/5

Suraj: Saṃvega and Upanisās as Resolution of Paṭiccasamuppāda: With Phenomenology as Framework Nguyen, Dat Trong.   University of the West ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2019. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2307477852/57231C906AB1492EPQ/26

Suraj: К сожалению должен отметить, что с уходом профессора Турмана на пенсию, прекратилась работа по диссертациям с переводом с тибетского тантр и шастр. Вообще, почти ничего интересного не появилось за последнии 10 лет, которые я не следил за диссертациями Колумбийского университета. К сожалению, 80% работ содержали ключевые слова: mindful, gay, LBGT, experience, jungian approach Что указывало, на то что это просто пропагандистские писульки по социально-политической повестке... Печально. Попробую еще порыться в публикациях других университетов.

Suraj: Al-Kindi's Theory of The Magical Arts: A Commentary on Al-Kindi's Treatise 'On Rays' Esmé L . K . Partridge Published 2018 https://www.academia.edu/36457042/Al-Kindis_Theory_of_The_Magical_Arts_A_Commentary_on_Al-Kindis_Treatise_On_Rays

yagmort: Suraj, если попадалось что-нибудь по самому раннему моменту появления практик тёгел и трегчё - буду признателен за информацию.

Suraj: yagmort пишет: Suraj, если попадалось что-нибудь по самому раннему моменту появления практик тёгел и трегчё - буду признателен за информацию. была статья, очень давно. Там идентифицировалась сутра, где давалась техника, которaя считалась предтечей практик Тогал. Эта сутра переведена и издана, как часть проекта перевода японского буддиского канона. Упоминание о статье нужно искать на этом фоpуме давностью в лет 10... Название сутры я найду, она у меня где в ящиках с книгами лежит... ПО моему они дали возможность скачивать переводы бесплатно...

Suraj: The Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sutra, там есть кнопка загрузить (книгу) бесплатно: https://www.bdkamerica.org/product/the-pratyutpanna-samadhi-sutra-and-the-surangama-samadhi-sutra/

yagmory: благодарю за усилия по поиску

Suraj: Случайно обнаружил склад диссертаций и статей, которые я выкладывал для участников форума на своём сайте несмыслемо сколько лет назад! С 2005 до 2012 года! Ниже ссылки на эти скрытые хранилища: https://surajamrita.com/yoga/hidden/articles/ https://surajamrita.com/yoga/hidden/disser/ https://surajamrita.com/yoga/hidden/box1/ https://surajamrita.com/yoga/hidden/box2/ https://surajamrita.com/yoga/hidden/box3/

Suraj: James Hartzell с его монументальной диссертацией "тантрическая иога", которая так никогда и не вышла книгой: https://www.scribd.com/document/332205846/James-Hartzell-Tantric-Yoga Читать в сети: https://archive.org/details/tantricyogabuddhistandshaviteyogajamesfrancishartzellthesis_202003_470_S/page/n1/mode/2up Эту диссертацию стоит перечитать 20 лет спустя... восприятие другое, - лучше понимаешь контекст той или иной доктрины...

Suraj: The Indian Buddhist Dhāraṇī: An Introduction to its History, Meanings and Functions Pedro Manuel Castro Sánchez Published 2011 https://www.academia.edu/7906583/The_Indian_Buddhist_Dh%C4%81ra%E1%B9%87%C4%AB_An_Introduction_to_its_History_Meanings_and_Functions?email_work_card=title This dissertation deals with the Buddhist dhāraṇī, mainly understood as the term selected by Indian Buddhism to assimilate the non-Buddhist notion of mantra. In the Introduction the two major categories of dhāraṇīs are defined, i.e., the ‘formulaic’ and ‘syllabic’ dhāraṇīs. In Chapter 1 the two sources for the emergence of dhāraṇīs are studied: the non-Buddhist source being focused on the non-Vedic, Vedic and Śaiva Tantric factors, and the Buddhist one being focused on several mainstream Buddhist and Mahāyāna factors. It continues with a study on the Dhāraṇī Scriptures’ emergence and their inclusion within Vajrayāna Tantras. Chapter 2 provides a detailed summary on the traditional definitions of the dhāraṇī term, its synonyms, compound terms, and its pairing with other Dharma qualities. It is followed by a survey on how the dhāraṇī term is defined and classified according to key Indian Mahāyāna Sūtras and Śāstras, and the Indo-Tibetan and East Asian Vajrayāna traditions. Chapter 3 is focused on the dhāraṇī practice, first dealing with its ethical basis, its non-ritual and ritual approaches, and its mundane and supramundane accomplishments, and then the main dhāraṇī practices are analysed intended for worldly and soteriological purposes. The dissertation closes with five Appendices including a study on a set of early Vedic mantras appearing within the Buddhist dhāraṇīs, an analysis of the ‘formulaic’ and ‘syllabic’ dhāraṇīs, a survey on mantras/dhāraṇīs accepted by several mainstream Buddhist schools, and another one on mantras/dhāraṇīs within Mahāyāna Scriptures, and finally, a ‘References’ list providing a comprehensive and updated bibliography in several Western languages mainly focused on Buddhist mantras/dhāraṇīs.

Сухой лист: Suraj пишет: Suraj пишет: была статья, очень давно. Там идентифицировалась сутра, где давалась техника, которaя считалась предтечей практик Тогал. Подскажите, пожалуйста, ещё какие-нибудь "приметы" этой статьи. - что-нибудь об авторах, издании, в котором она была опубликована, примерное название, содержание статьи в общем, - чтобы облегчить её нахождение на форуме или в сети. И сходство практики, описанной в данной сутре, с практикой тогел упомянуто в самой статье, статья тибетологическая ? Или это Ваше понимание, основанное на знакомстве с тогелом ? Сутру с упомянутого Вами ресурса скачал, действительно, некоторые переводы у них в свободном доступе. Жаль, что проект не очень масштабный.

Suraj: Сухой лист пишет: И сходство практики, описанной в данной сутре, с практикой тогел упомянуто в самой статье, статья тибетологическая ? Да, статья академическая. Где она уже не помню, но она помогла выйти на перевод самой сутры, ссылку на неё я дал више. Своё мнение о тогал, я никогда не высказываю, хотя наставлениея получал 3 раза из различных циклов и получил все инициации из нингма кама, раздела Дзогчен и разделы Ати (частично), Чити и Янгти из собрания "Ринчен Тердзо", не говоря уже о множестве переводов собранных по теме. Кстати вышла книга по техникам достижения "радужного тела", нужно будет приобрести : Enlightened Intention, The Good Spiritual Life, and Dying into Rainbow Body Hardcover – May 3, 2023 by Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche Shardza (Author), Geshe Sonam Gurung Gurung (Translator), Daniel P Brown (Translator) Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mustang Bon Foundation (May 3, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 146 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1956950192 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1956950199 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 12.9 ounces Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.14 x 0.38 x 9.21 inches

Suraj: 2 Сухой лист Глагов С. Пратьютпанна Самадхи Сутра, гл.1-2 http://lit.lib.ru/i/irhin_w_j/pratyutpanna.shtml

Сухой лист: Сурадж, спасибо ! Пратьютпанна Самадхи Сутру я нашёл ( в переводе на английский ) и сейчас потихоньку с Гуглом и словарём перевожу. А вот упомянутая Вами академическая статья пока " в розыске" )

Suraj: Meditation, Repentance, and Visionary Experience in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism 2012 Greene, Eric M Ph D https://escholarship.org/uc/item/92v7t1cg

Suraj: Диссертация с которой уменя началось увлечение академическим подходом к изучению тантрических традиций. Заказал осенью отпечатать её и переплести в твёрдый переплёт: Hartzel Tantric yoga Phd thesis

yagmort: Marta Sernesi - The Aural Transmission of Saṃvara and Ras chung pa’s Legacy. Ph.D. Dissertation. Università degli Studi di Torino. есть ли вариант выцепить эту работу? я писал автору вм середине 2019 с просьбой поделиться, но получил отказ по причине того, что пишется книга на основе этой диссертации. книги всё ещё нет и вообще непонятно, будет ли. а почитать жгуче хочется уже давно.

Suraj: У меня её нет.


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