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Книги- кладезь знания! (продолжение)

Suraj: Книги- кладезь знания! Вот вышел наконец четвертый том комментариев Катар Р. на "Горную Дхарму" Карма Чакме. Там откомментированы так же главы, которые были когда-то переведены на русский каким-то ламой (фамилия начинается на "О", кажется Очиров?). http://www.namsebangdzo.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=16264&Show=ExtInfo Karma Chakme’s Mountain Dharma, Volume Four As Taught by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Author: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Translator: Yeshe Gyamtso Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781934608074 Publication Date: April 2010 Preface ix Advice from Khenpo Rinpoche xi Introduction xv Short Biography of Karma Chakme Rinpoche xix Biography of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche xxi The Practices of the Victors’ Children: Instructions on Conduct 5 Ocean of Activity: Instructions on Benefiting Being 53 The Fruit of the Wish-Fulfilling Tree: How the Best, the Intermediate, and the Least Practitioners Die 175 The Guide on the Quest for Jewels: Choosing a Pure Realm 245 Riding the Supreme Steed Balaha: Reaching a Pure Realm 297 Letter of Royal Command: Reminding Practitioners of Their Meditation So They Recognize the Ground Clear Light at Death 363 The Precious Jewel: Instructions on Dedication 405 Dedication 419 Precious Garland : A List of Contents to Prevent Disorder 421 A List of Mantras 427 Glossary 431 Index 461 Index of Stories Told by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche 479 Resources 483

Ответов - 300, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All

Чой: Да, повтор, Samputa Tantra лежит у нас здесь. Покупайте наших слонов! в смысле, читайте наш форум :)

Suraj: Для тех для кого знаки реализации для людей низших возможносте, - во снах не удовлетворительны И желают получать знаки для практиковвысшых возможностей, - в прямом иогическом видении, - книга по ссылке ниже может быть весьма интерестна. Только получил. пролистал, - серьёзная работа на академическом уровне в очень качественными переводами: http://www.amazon.com/Naked-Seeing-Perfection-Visionary-Renaissance/dp/0199982910/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409860393&sr=1-1&keywords=naked+seeing Naked Seeing: The Great Perfection, the Wheel of Time, and Visionary Buddhism in Renaissance Tibet by Christopher Hatchell Paperback: 496 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (October 1, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 0199982910 ISBN-13: 978-0199982912 Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.1 x 1.3 inches Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Suraj: Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd by Heruka Dudjom Lingpa and Pema Lungtok Gyatso Now Shipping! Order Here Composed by one of Heruka Dudjom Lingpa's disciples, Pema Lungtok Gyatso, An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations is a word-by-word commentary on the terton’s own chöd revelation known as Heart Essence of Saraha. Both works are included in Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd. An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations -- A Clearly Compiled Commentary Based upon the Close Lineage of Chöd: a translation of the extensive (741 folio page) Chöd commentary by Pema Lungtok Gyatso, a foremost disciple of Dudjom Lingpa. "The exceptional commentary by Pema Lungtok Gyatso is an exquisite treatise that encompasses the teachings on Chöd entirely and fully illumines these unparalleled transmissions." --Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche Heart Essence of Saraha: Root commentary on the Tröma Nagmo severance liturgy revealed by Heruka Dudjom Lingpa covering thirteen sections of chöd practice transmitted to him from the Treasury Expanse of the Spacelike Dharmatā by the crown jewel of Indian mahāsiddhas, Saraha. This second edition is a complete retranslation of the Heart Essence chöd text and is included in the Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd book along with the commentary by Pema Lungtok Gyatso. As Part Two in the book, this commentary includes both common and uncommon preliminary instructions, the three-kāya meditation-recitation practice, the pointing-out instructions for identifying the view associated with the four samayas of Mahāsandhi, the stages of generation and completion, the way of wandering through fear-invoking environments, the methods for identifying upheavals and for accumulating merit, such as the practice of the four feasts, and various other subjects that belong to the path of chöd. Light of Berotsana translated the root terma Heart Essence of Saraha some ten years ago, and since then the limited editions have sold out. http://www.berotsana.org/dl-chod Dudjom Lingpa’s Chöd 530 pages, $45 Place your order here.

crac333: Васильев А.К. Алхимия в Тибете: истоки и метаморфозы традиции журнал «Волшебная гора», XVI (2012 г.), стр. 149-157 Для затравки: Можно предполагать, что всё вышесказанное должно относиться и к тибетской алхимии. Основой её (как мы это и видим из тибетских алхимических текстов) должна была послужить индийская традиция, а именно расаяна . Относясь к «вспомогательным наукам», она должна была активно впитывать в себя местные традиционные знания и представления, а также элементы иных традиций, в первую очередь китайской алхимии; однако собранный на данный момент материал не позволяет решить, насколько велико было китайское влияние на тибетскую алхимию. Наконец, в том виде, в котором мы можем наблюдать тибетскую алхимию в современный период (и вообще на основании непереводных тибетских источников), она представляет собой достаточно самобытную область собственно тибетской культуры, которая и является объектом нашего исследования. Таким образом, можно дать такое определение тибетской алхимии (которое следует рассматривать как предварительное): тибетская алхимия – это область тибетской культуры, связанная с представлениями о «трансмутации» металлов и достижении бессмертия и долголетия, в основе которой лежит индийская традиция расаяны ; можно предполагать наличие в тибетской алхимии значительного влияния местных представлений и китайской традиции, однако их изучение является делом будущего. 2. Истоки тибетской алхимии – индийская расаяна Изучение материала, связанного с тибетской алхимией, несомненно указывает на то, что главным её источником явилась индийская расаяна , особенно буддийский вариант этой традиции. В то же время необходимо чётко отличать тибетскую алхимию от её индийской предшественницы; далеко не всё из того, чем занимались индийские адепты расаяны , вошло в область активной практики у их тибетских учеников; помимо смещения акцентов, следует учесть вероятное воздействие местной и китайской традиции; кроме того, основной период, в который происходила передача индийской традиции тибетцам, – это VII–XII вв., тогда как говоря о тибетской алхимии, мы имеем в виду прежде всего её позднюю форму, в том числе современный вариант тибетской алхимической традиции. Сформулируем вкратце основные положения, содержащиеся в работах по индийской алхимии. а. Индийская расаяна – самобытная традиция, сформировавшаяся в самой индийской культуре. Она ставила как духовные цели, которые понимались, в зависимости от традиции, либо как освобождение-мокша (в индуизме), либо достижение Просветления (в буддизме), так и методы превращения неблагородных металлов в золото и обретение телесного бессмертия и долголетия. б. В индийской расаяне широко использовались различные препараты и составы; в ранний период основой их были травы и минералы, позже, возможно, под влиянием исламской алхимии, большую роль в их изготовлении стала играть ртуть. в. Существует множество преданий об индуистских и буддийских святых, обретших сверхъестественную способность превращать в золото любые вещества. г. В Тибет традиция индийской расаяны была занесена благодаря переводам санскритских сочинений, среди которых выделяются «Расарнава», «Расаратнасаммучая», «Расаратнакара»; важную роль сыграли также алхимические разделы Калачакра-тантры, происхождение которой не вполне выяснено (в тибетской традиции считается, что она была принесена из Шамбалы). и др. материалы: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9yQyH5PU9-tSVJwOGlUSEVTbjA&usp=docslist_api&ddrp=1#

Suraj: Во избежаниея бесконечных "тыканий носом" в палиский канон.. Вот Махаянская версия: http://www.amazon.com/Madhyama-Middle-Length-Discourses-English-Tripitaka/dp/1886439478/ref=sr_1_25?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1415213494&sr=1-25&keywords=Bdk+English+Tripitaka The Madhyama Agama (Middle-Length Discourses), Volume I (Bdk English Tripitaka) Hardcover – September 9, 2013 The Madhyama Agama (Taisho 26), or Middle-length Discourses, belong to the earliest stratum of Buddhist sutra literature. The dialogues between Sakyamuni Buddha and his disciples and followers present the teachings of early Buddhism on Karma, death and rebirth, and the training of the mind in order to reach nirvana. The speakers often make use of parables and tales to illustrate the correct understanding of early doctrine. The Madhyama Agama was translated into Chinese from a now lost Indian original in 398 C.E. It corresponds mainly to the Majjhima Nikaya of the Pali canon, although many of its sutras have parallels in other sections of the Pali canon. Volume I contains the translation of divisions 1-6 (of 18) and sutras 1-71 (of 222). Translations of the remaining divisions and sutras will be published in two subsequent volumes.

Suraj: Sandhinirmochana sutra Перевод основного "подготовительного практического руководства" по практике согласно виджнянавада/иогачара http://www.amazon.com/Buddhist-Yoga-A-Comprehensive-Course/dp/1570620180/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_z Buddhist Yoga: A Comprehensive Course Paperback – June 13, 1995 by Thomas Cleary he word "yoga" has many meanings, including "meditation" "method" and "union" While the physical exercises of Hindu yoga are familiar to westerners, the subtle metaphysics and refined methods of spiritual development that characterize Buddhist Yoga are not yet well known. This volume presents a landmark translation of a classical sourcebook of Buddhist Yoga, the "Scripture Unlocking the Mysteries" a revered text of the Yogachara school of Buddhism. The study of this text is essential preparation for anyone undertaking meditation exercise. Linking theory and practice, the scripture offeres a remarkably detailed and thorough course of study in both the philosophical and pragmatic foundation of Buddhist yoga, amd their perfect, harmonious union in the realization of Buddhist enlightenment. ===================================== Key to Coordinating the available english translations: I. The Samdhinirmochana Sutra as translated from The Tibetan of the sDe-dge bKa'-`gur: 1.) Powers, John. Wisdom of Buddha: The Samdhinirmochana Sutra. Dharma Publishing, 1995 II. The Samdhinirmochana Sutra as translated from The Chinese of Hsuan-tsang (Taisho Vol. 16, Number 676): 2a.) Cleary, Thomas. Buddhist Yoga: A Comprehensive Course. 1st ed. Shambhala, 1995. the same text republished in 2b.) Cleary, Classics of Buddhism and Zen, Shambhalla, 2002

Suraj: Sarvavid Vairocana, the All-Knowing Buddha The All-Knowing Buddha: A Secret Guide http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/908586643X/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: University of Washington Press (May 6, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 908586643X ISBN-13: 978-9085866435 Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 8.4 x 0.8 inches his book is the culmination of a long story that began with the acquisition of fifty-four paintings from an elderly priest, who had served in a Belgian mission in Inner Mongolia in the 1920s, by the Ethnographic Museum of Antwerp in 1977. The All-Knowing Buddha: A Secret Guide focuses on this extremely rare group of richly-detailed album leaves which illustrate the visualization practice of Sarvavid Vairocana, the All-Knowing Buddha. This beautifully illustrated step-by-step visual guide provides a unique glimpse into Tibetan Buddhist meditation and ritual, normally instruction restricted to oral transmission by a teacher to his initiated disciple. These practices are usually not meant to be depicted and this is one of the only albums known to exist in which the meditative visualization process is spelled out visually. While the ritual narrative of these unusual paintings is Tibetan Buddhist in content they are expressed in a vivid Chinese aesthetic , a unique product of cultural translation through its Mongolian patrons. The album exemplifies rich patterns of cross-cultural exchange that characterized the Qing Empire. Three essays by the Rubin Museum curators explore different aspects of Vairocana and contextualize the album, illustrated with approximately twenty-five images, followed by the leaves themselves which are featured in fifty-four full-page plates with accompanying commentary on their ritual and artistic content.

Manikarnika: Suraj пишет: Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd by Heruka Dudjom Lingpa and Pema Lungtok Gyatso заказал

Suraj: The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) Paperback – September 21, 1999 by Jeffrey L. Broughton http://www.amazon.com/Bodhidharma-Anthology-Earliest-Records-Lilienthal/dp/0520219724/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1415762697&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Bodhidharma+Anthology%3A+The+Earliest+Records+of+Zen На эту книгу ННР в СМС1 ссылается цитируя мастеров чань...

Suraj: Dzogchen of Yundrug Bon Books by Jean-Luc Achard: http://www.amazon.com/Jean-Luc-Achard/e/B0034Q97FG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

Manikarnika: Manikarnika пишет: Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd by Heruka Dudjom Lingpa and Pema Lungtok Gyatso Если кто соберется брать, то имейте в виду: 2\3 - стандартный Ламрим.

Suraj: The Yeshe Lama: Jigme Lingpa's Dzogchen Atiyoga Manual Paperback – November 22, 2014 by Keith Dowman November 22, 2014 Вот новый перевод "секретного текста",, который купить был ещё тот гембель. 2 дня назад появился в свобоной продаже: http://www.amazon.com/Yeshe-Lama-Lingpas-Dzogchen-Atiyoga/dp/1502716224/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416865382&sr=1-1&keywords=keith+Dowman

Suraj: forthcoming: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1559394358/ref=s9_newr_gw_d0_g14_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-4&pf_rd_r=0070FYFTD10GRGX6WSY3&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=1970566542&pf_rd_i=desktop The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 1 to 10: Foundations of the Buddhist Path (Tsadra) Hardcover – February 24, 2015 by Choying Tobden Dorje (Author), Ngawang Zangpo (Translator) Chöying Tobden Dorjé (1787-1848), a Buddhist yogi of far-eastern Tibet, composed a multivolume masterwork that traces the path of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism from beginning to end and that is still cherished as a main source of instruction by the Ngakpa, or non-monastic practice lineages. This first volume--one of six--offers a comprehensive, in-depth view of the foundations of the Buddhist path. Written by a lay practitioner for laypeople, it is intended to be accessible, informative, and above all, practical.

den: http://www.shambhala.com/the-profound-inner-principles.html Profound Inner Principles With Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye's Commentary Restricted text. With masterful clarity and precision, The Profound Inner Principles delineates the principles and foundations of Vajrayana practice. Rangjung Dorje presents the nature of things mental and physical and looks at the cause of delusion, what delusion creates, and how delusion is corrected. His explanations capture the principles of the Vajrayanas niruttara tantras, with a special focus on the structure and functioning of the body. Just as sugatagarbha, or buddha nature, is the nature of our mind, the potential for awakening lies within our body. The Mahayana literature refers to this pure potential as the evolving gotra, whereas the Vajrayana refers to it as the "vajra body", the subtle body of channels, winds and bindus with six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, space and wisdom bliss). The vajra body is not only our innate capacity, it is also our path.Understanding its components and properties is essential for most meditators. The overarching theme of the text is that we need to understand how buddha nature is present in sentient beings, those on the path and buddhas. All the details concerning the mind's workings, the vajra body's structures, and the meditations, paths, and stages will reinforce that understanding and give us insight into how and why the Vajrayana path provides access to wisdom throughout the body. This translation includes a commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul with extensive footnotes containing extracts from all the other important commentaries to the Profound Inner Principles; several gloassaries with annotations by the translator; a works cited list and a selected bibliography; and an index. “The Profound Inner Principles is Rangjung Dorje’s brilliant and visionary presentation of the essential points of the Vajrayāna approach. Focusing on the mind-body interplay, it shows us how the mind, reflected through the subtle body, is a vehicle for awakening. Elizabeth Callahan is a highly qualified translator, and her excellent rendering of this text clearly conveys the profound and compassionate intention of one of the most important teachers of the Kagyu lineage.”—Dzogchen Ponlop, author of Rebel Buddha: A Guide to a Revolution of Mind “The third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, was perhaps the greatest early synthesizer of the Indian philosophy of Yogācāra, the Indian mahāsiddha traditions of mahāmudrā and yoga, and the Tibetan lineages of Kagyu, Nyingma, and Chöd among others. The text translated here is a brilliant study of the essentials of tantra, including details of the subtle body and its crucial role on the path to awakening. The commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul, another of Tibet’s greatest masters, illuminates the meaning in a way that is both detailed and comprehensive, such that confused practitioners such as myself can finally see the whole picture. How fortunate that there is now a completely trustworthy English translation of these important works.”—Sarah Harding, author of Niguma: Lady of Illusion “The Profound Inner Principles is a central text for the Kagyu tradition. Elizabeth Callahan, the foremost translator of the major Karma Kagyu texts, brings her considerable knowledge and experience to presenting its esoteric content in a form that is even clearer and easier to read than the Tibetan original is for Tibetans. This is a historic milestone in the transmission of Kagyu Buddhism.”—Peter Alan Roberts, translator of The Practice of Tranquillity and Insight Contents: The Profound Inner Principles 1 Illuminating "The Profound Principles" 69 Introduction 71 1. Causes and Condition 103 2. Development of the Body 135 3. Channels 175 4. Winds 225 5. Bindus 287 6. The Four States 339 7. The Correspondences with the Environment 373 8. Imagined Deities 387 9. Bases of Purification and Means of Purification 405 10. The Correspondences with the Stages of the Path 435 11. Dissolution 455 Conclusion 493 Appendix 1. Outline of Illuminating "The Profound Principles" 517 Appendix 2. Prenatal Development 533 Appendix 3. Time: Internal and External Measurements 537 Appendix 4. Bindus: Overview 539 Appendix 5. Bindus: Seven Stages of Quintessences and Dregs 541 Appendix 6. Bindus: Internal and External Twenty-Four Sacred Places 543

anahata: den пишет: http://www.shambhala.com/the-profound-inner-principles.html Profound Inner Principles With Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye's Commentary А на theoccult её нету ? И будет ли на неё групповая покупка ? На theoccult почти нереально попасть.

den: anahata пишет: А на theoccult её нету? Нету. anahata пишет: И будет ли на неё групповая покупка? Пока нету. Но даже если будет предложение скинуться, это ничего не значит, так как и так многие предложения висят с кучей желающих скинуться, но без организатора.

den: https://dechenlingpress.org/product/blazing-inner-fire-of-bliss-and-emptiness/ BLAZING INNER FIRE OF BLISS AND EMPTINESS The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness presents a commentary to the Six Yogas of Naropa, which stands as one of the most celebrated and widely practiced systems of the completion stage of highest yoga tantra and is practiced in all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. This commentary was given by Ngulchu Dharmabhadra (1772–1851) and was compiled from a series of lecture notes made during his oral commentary to Lama Tsongkhapa’s (1357–1419) masterpiece entitled Having Three Convictions. It is unique in that it presents the Six Yogas within the context of Vajrayogini practice, making this book a perfect companion piece to The Extremely Secret Dakini of Naropa (Snow Lion, 2011) and The Melodious Drum of Dakini Land (Dechen Ling Press, 2014). Also contained in this book is Ngulchu Dharmabhadra’s commentary on the First Panchen Lama’s (1570–1662) famous Supplication for Liberation from [Fear of] the Perilous Journey of the Intermediate State, Entitled “A Hero Liberated from Fear.” The first half of this prayer summons the immediacy of death and the need to extract its greatest potential, while the second half reveals the means of doing so within the context of the completion stage of highest yoga tantra. https://dechenlingpress.org/product/melodious-drum-to-dakini-land/ MELODIOUS DRUM TO DAKINI LAND Melodious Drum to Dakini Land provides a verse-by-verse commentary on the extensive dedication prayer for Vajrayogini in the Naro Kachö tradition. The prayer itself was composed by Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, the enlightened sage of the Sakya lineage, while the commentary was composed by Yangchen Drupai Dorje. The commentary is both extraordinarily accessible and extremely lucid, revealing the entire paths of Vajrayogini’s eleven yogas of the generation stage and the central channel path of the completion stage. Through studying and assimilating the sublime contents of this remarkable text, the reader will be led through entire range of one of Tibet Buddhism’s most revered practices while being gently guided by the eloquence and rapturous display of these two authors’ deep devotion and realization of the “Venerable Mother of Dakini Land.” https://dechenlingpress.org/product/manjushris-innermost-secret/ MANJUSHRI’S INNERMOST SECRET Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen’s commentary on the First Panchen Lama’s liturgical text Lama Chöpa stands as one of the great literary contributions to the Gelug Hearing Lineage. Revealing a treasury of closely guarded oral instructions, this amazing text was written at the behest of the Third Panchen Lama, Palden Yeshe. Highly informative and deeply moving, Manjushri’s Innermost Secret contains the entire path to enlightenment that was transmitted in direct communication with Lama Tsongkhapa by the wisdom-buddha Manjushri. Many of these teachings were previously held as sealed- in-secret oral instructions that swiftly guide the spiritual practitioner to the state of complete enlightenment through the full spectrum of teachings on the lamrim and mind training (lojong) as well as the generation and completion stages of highest yoga tantra, all of which are centered around, and grounded in, deep heart-felt faith and devotion for one’s spiritual guide. In addition to the Lama Chöpa ritual text itself, this book also includes the First Panchen Lama’s root text on Ganden Mahamudra, the supplication verses to the lineage gurus, and the Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion composed by the Indian saint Ashvagosha.

anahata: den пишет: http://www.shambhala.com/the-profound-inner-principles.html Profound Inner Principles With Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye's Commentary Тут я так понимаю можно купить без всяких препонов/ограничений. http://www.namsebangdzo.com/The_Profound_Inner_Principles_Karmapa_p/9781559394161.htm

Suraj: den пишет: http://www.shambhala.com/the-profound-inner-principles.html Profound Inner Principles With Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye's Commentary Книга супер, вчера получил... продавайте всё покупайте эту книгу...

anahata: Suraj пишет: Книга супер, вчера получил... продавайте всё покупайте эту книгу... Как не вовремя бакс подорожал в 2 раза :( Но раз книга классная, придется купить :)

Чой: Эх, а доллар подорожал в три раза. Сурадж, а у вас какой сканер?

Suraj: Чой пишет: Сурадж, а у вас какой сканер? 600 страниц, - не рально для меня. Да и ситауция у меня сейчас цейтнотная...

Нандзед Дорже: Потерпите пару месяцев, и доллар смирно упадёт, как не скажу что)))).

den: Mediating the Power of Buddhas: Ritual in the Manjusrimulakalpa Mediating the Power of Buddhas offers a fascinating analysis of the seventh-century ritual manual, the Mañjusrimulakalpa. This medieval text is intended to reveal the path into a ritual universe where the power of a buddha abides. Author Glenn Wallis traces the strategies of the Mañjusrimulakalpa to enable its committed reader to perfect the promised ritual, uncovering what conditions must be met for ritual practice to succeed and what personal characteristics practitioners must possess in order to realize the ritual intentions of the Buddhist community. The manual itself was written at a key point in Buddhist history, one when Hindu forms of practice were still imitated and on the cusp of the shift from Mahayana to Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhism. In addition, the Mañjusrimulakalpa presents a rich compendium of Buddhist life in an earlier era, containing information on a variety of its readers' concerns: astrology, astronomy, medicine and healing, ritual practice, iconography, devotion, and meditation. “Wallis brings alive the world of the Mañjusrimulakalpa and its ritual practitioner, and he draws on a variety of medieval and modern sources to illuminate the text. The Mañjusrimulakalpa is a crucial text for understanding medieval Indian Buddhism, yet, because of its immensity, it has been studied rather sparingly and incompletely—and never before with the particular ritual studies-cum-comparative-Indological perspective that Wallis brings to bear.” — Roger Jackson, coeditor of Buddhist Theology: Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars

Suraj: den пишет: Mediating the Power of Buddhas: Ritual in the Manjusrimulakalpa Там нет перевода, а только рассказаы про то, что там написано. Не тратьте на это деньги...

den: Suraj пишет: Там нет перевода, а только рассказаы про то, что там написано. Не тратьте на это деньги... Там есть переводы отрывков. А деньги на это тратить не надо, можно скачать и почитать. Имхо, не самая худшая книжка по теме. И раз на то пошло, Сурадж вы знаете что нибудь по этой теме более качественное?

Suraj: Ну например в нашем неварском храме один из 157 ритуалов Манжушли-мула-калпа, - гуру мандала пуджа выпоняется регулярно. Нот первого января опят будем делать. Считается очистительным ритуалом. Вот статья нём. Где-то попадался и перевод самого ритуал на skribe-е http://college.holycross.edu/projects/himalayan_cultures/2011_plans/jclossic/documents/bajracarya.pdf

Suraj: Там есть траслитерация и переводы 5, кажется, неварских ритуалов: Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal: Narratives and Rituals of Newar Buddhism By Todd Thornton Lewis https://books.google.com/books?id=pC_XoZsvBuIC&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=gurumandala-puja&source=bl&ots=kO2jPQj_TV&sig=JQ1x1bIlVfjiYKiEf985cgWJu6Q&hl=en&sa=X&ei=UMeUVK7WLoyUNqa7g8AJ&ved=0CEUQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=gurumandala-puja&f=false

den: 2 Suraj, спасибо, это не попадалось, почитаю. А если взять пошире, переводы/исследования древних ваджраянских внешних тантр и их ритуалов, где хорошо была бы разобрана та же пурашчарана и методы достижения сиддхи на основе этого. Может быть какой нибудь фундаментальный труд попадался по этой теме или просто добротные на ваш взгляд.

Suraj: Я вам ссылку на лучшее что пока попадалось. Там 5 ритуалов переведены и санскрит вроманизированной форме... Если видели и делаи хоть раз, то можно потом разобраться и делать самому... Неварцы любят "навороченные ритуалы, как и индусы сейчас... Очень похоже.. только дэваты разные да и то не всегда...

ol: Вот, м.б. кому-нибудь понадобится: садханы (Все садханы на английском: YamantakaShortSelfGenerationSadhana, YamantakaLamaChopaSadhana, Heruka LamaChopaCombined.pdf и др. )

Suraj: ol пишет: Вот, м.б. кому-нибудь понадобится Большо спасибо!

Нандзед Дорже: Спасибо!

crac333: О Бирманских махасиддхах (а именно с ними мне ранее встречались сравнения с вэкза-лам(путем вэйкза)) и о современном бирманском взгляде на архатство можно почитать здесь: On saints and wizards Ideals of human perfection and power in contemporary Burmese Buddhism Patrick Pranke https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jiabs/article/viewFile/9290/3151 цитата для затравки: The weikza-lam is an esoteric religious system that requires initiation under a master or hsaya and instruction in a repertoire of occult sciences whose mysteries may not be shared with outsiders. As such, the weikza-lam contrasts with normative Theravāda Buddhism which is exoteric in its teachings and observances. Apprenticeship in the weikza-lam entails training in any one or several of the following disciplines: the use of magical incantations and spells (mandan); alchemy (aggiyat), particularly those subtypes associated with the manipulation of mercury (byada) and iron(than); traditional medicine (hsay), which includes indigenous and Chinese pharmacopoeias and Indian Aryuveda, and importantly because of its efficacy, the casting of runes or magical diagrams (in,aing,sama). Runes are typically understood as devices for protection or healing and can be drawn on amulets that are either worn or inserted under the skin, or tattooed on the body. Alternatively they can be written on slips of paper which are then either rolled into pills or burnt into ash and swallowed as medicine. In addition runes are used to demarcate boundaries on the ground, especially for rites of initiation and exorcism. All of these esoteric techniques are arranged under a classification system of ‘sciences’ (weikza,P.vijjā), the vocabulary of which is culled chiefly from Pāli sources.

Namdrol: A SCRIPTURE OF THE ANCIENT TANTRA COLLECTION The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis Robert Mayer https://ru.scribd.com/doc/242847133/A-Scripture-of-the-Ancient-Tantra-Collection-the-Phur-Pa-Bcu-Gnyis "Der lamaistische Ritualdolch (phur-bu) und die altvorderorientalischen Nagelmenschen," Asiatische Studien 6: 41-51. (линк сразу на закачку документа) http://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fretro.seals.ch%2Fcntmng%3Fpid%3Dast-002%3A1952%3A6%3A%3A200&ei=pmPGVNV84r3KA63vgNAO&usg=AFQjCNHSAUz1p_UrbWKS_RYSz-LCHrya0A&sig2=v21Uy956RJSGcNZJjvaBPA&bvm=bv.84349003,d.bGQ

Namdrol: Диссертация по Рахуле The Raven And The Serpent: "the Great All Pervading Rahula" And Daemonic Buddhism In India And Tibet Author: Cameron Mcmullin Bailey http://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6952&context=etd

Suraj: O! Spasibo!

Suraj: The Great Tantra of Vajrasattva: Equal to the End of the Sky Paperback – March 3, 2015 by Christopher Wilkinson (Author), Vairochana Rakshita (Author) http://www.amazon.com/Great-Tantra-Vajrasattva-Equal-End/dp/1508526184/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

crac333: D.Cozort Highest Yoga-Tantra Хто нить видел в электронке?)

Aurum: crac333, есть такая: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/34LwKdpLkFEW/Daniel%20Cozort%20%E2%80%94%20Highest%20Yoga%20Tantra%20-%20An%20Introduction%20to%20the%20Esoteric%20Buddhism%20of%20Tibet.pdf

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