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Книги- кладезь знания! (продолжение)

Suraj: Книги- кладезь знания! Вот вышел наконец четвертый том комментариев Катар Р. на "Горную Дхарму" Карма Чакме. Там откомментированы так же главы, которые были когда-то переведены на русский каким-то ламой (фамилия начинается на "О", кажется Очиров?). http://www.namsebangdzo.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=16264&Show=ExtInfo Karma Chakme’s Mountain Dharma, Volume Four As Taught by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Author: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Translator: Yeshe Gyamtso Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781934608074 Publication Date: April 2010 Preface ix Advice from Khenpo Rinpoche xi Introduction xv Short Biography of Karma Chakme Rinpoche xix Biography of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche xxi The Practices of the Victors’ Children: Instructions on Conduct 5 Ocean of Activity: Instructions on Benefiting Being 53 The Fruit of the Wish-Fulfilling Tree: How the Best, the Intermediate, and the Least Practitioners Die 175 The Guide on the Quest for Jewels: Choosing a Pure Realm 245 Riding the Supreme Steed Balaha: Reaching a Pure Realm 297 Letter of Royal Command: Reminding Practitioners of Their Meditation So They Recognize the Ground Clear Light at Death 363 The Precious Jewel: Instructions on Dedication 405 Dedication 419 Precious Garland : A List of Contents to Prevent Disorder 421 A List of Mantras 427 Glossary 431 Index 461 Index of Stories Told by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche 479 Resources 483

Ответов - 300, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All

crac333: Aurum О! Большое спасибо, брат)))

azaf: А есть у кого-нибудь "Горная Дхарма" на английском?

anahata: Blaze of Fire in the Dark: Vajrakila texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition Volume Three By: Rig-'dzin rdo-rje (Martin J Boord) http://www.namsebangdzo.com/Blaze_of_Fire_in_the_Dark_p/9783942380201.htm

den: Secrets of the Vajra Body: Dngos po'i gnas lugs and the Apotheosis of the Body in the Work of Rgyal ba Yang dgon pa This dissertation looks at an attempt in Buddhist history to theorize the role and status of the body as the prime focus of soteriological discourse. It studies a text titled Explanation of the Hidden Vajra Body (Rdo rje lus kyi sbas bshad), composed by Yang dgon pa Rgyal mtshan dpal (1213-1258). This work, drawing on a wide range of canonical tantric Buddhist scriptures and Indic and Tibetan commentaries, lays out in detail a Buddhist theory of embodiment that brings together the worldly realities of the body with their enlightened transformation. This dissertation analyzes the ways Yang dgon pa theorizes the body as the essential ground of the salvific path, and endeavors to provide a thematic guide to his rich and complex discussion of what the body is and does, from a tantric perspective. The thesis parses a key term, dngos po'i gnas lugs, that Yang dgon pa uses as an organizing principle in Explanation of the Hidden. If taken literally, the term means something like "the nature of things" or "the nature of material substance," but Yang dgon pa deployed the term specifically to refer to the nature of the human psychophysical organism, in its ordinary state. By way of this term, Yang dgon pa argues that the body itself makes enlightenment possible. In the course of this thesis, I consider the prior history of this category as it was gradually developed by a series of Bka' brgyud writers until it reached Yang dgon pa. Then, in light of this category, I explore Yang dgon pa's own vision of embodiment. This vision, I argue, reflects an attempt to refocus soteriological attention on the power of the body, over and above the mind, as the salient basis for non-dual knowing. Finally, I reflect upon the lasting contributions of Yang dgon pa's conception of the body to the ongoing exploration of such topics in the history of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist soteriology, as well as upon why some of the more radical elements of his thinking seem to have been eliminated in subsequent generations of his lineage. pdf

fukuneko: Vajra Rosary Tantra (Ваджрамала, как я понимаю) Полный перевод на английский. По-моему не было ещё. http://rghost.ru/8mVv4pHzQ

Suraj: den пишет: Secrets of the Vajra Body: Dngos po'i gnas lugs and the Apotheosis of the Body in the Work of Rgyal ba Yang dgon pa Супер! огромное спасибо! Загрузил и даже отпечатаю сейчас на бумагу!

Suraj: fukuneko пишет: Vajra Rosary Tantra (Ваджрамала, как я понимаю) Полный перевод на английский. По-моему не было ещё. http://rghost.ru/8mVv4pHzQ Спасибо, но это не новость. Несколько лет назад я объявлял эту диссертацию, а себе заказал её на бумаге, когда она ещё не была доступна в электронном варианте...

Нандзед Дорже: Спасибо вам всем!

Suraj: Blaze of Fire in the Dark: Vajrakila texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition Volume Three By: Rig-'dzin rdo-rje (Martin J Boord) Our Price: $45.00 Author: Rig-'dzin rdo-rje (Martin J Boord) Format: Hardcover ISBN: 9783942380201 Publication Date: April 04, 2015 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours http://www.namsebangdzo.com/Blaze_of_Fire_in_the_Dark_p/9783942380201.htm

Yangxu: Тэндай Книга американского буддолога и даолога Майкла Сасо, посвященная тантризму японской школы Тэндай. Возможно, кому-то будет интересно.

crac333: Traditional Theravada Meditation and Its Modern- era Suppression This ground-breaking book explores the once dominant traditional Theravada meditation known as boran kamatthana. This esoteric meditation system differs radically from the reform, text- based meditations that are now taught around the Theravada Buddhist world: Vipassana, mindfulness etc. The author offers the first ever holistic exploration of this meditation system, which has previously been known outside of Asia only to a few scholars. www.amazon.com/gp/product/9881682029?ie=UTF8&at=&force-full-site=1&ref_=aw_bottom_links + небольшой обзор этой работы из Journal of Global Buddhism Vol. 15 http://www.globalbuddhism.org/15/cox14.pdf What, then, is borān kammaṭṭhāna as a form of meditation? At its simplest, as chapter three shows, it is an esoteric and somatic form of Theravada meditation, which takes substantially the same meditation subjects recommended by the Visuddhimagga but “internalises” them. Once the practitioner has achieved the nimitta (eidetic image) of each subject of meditation in turn, they mentally draw it through the nostrils into their own body, locating it at various energy centres in turn, and then deposit it in the womb (garbha). The various nimittas are then combined in complex permutations which are understood as constructing an internal Buddha as well as enabling the ability to affect external reality. In this sense, of course, it is reminiscent of Indic tantra. Crosby shows, however, that the terms used are derived specifically from Theravadin Abhidhamma, with no evidence of any previous underlay; Tantric deities are absent, as are the ritual reversals surrounding death, sex, food, and the like fami liar from tantra.

Suraj: crac333 пишет: Traditional Theravada Meditation and Its Modern- era Suppression Спасибо. Очень интерестно. Я прочёл статью и наверное рано или поздно куплю и книгу... Но информация в вышсей степени интерестная, особенно то, что претензии современных Тхеравадинов на обладание самой древней и "чистой" формы буддийской упратики упиирают в порог 200 летней реформированой традиции проведённой в колониальных странах и, естественно, в направлении упрощения практики и усложнения схоластики...

dead_head: Всегда чувствовал, что тхеравада сродни протестантизму. Любопытно находить доводы "за".

Suraj: Namdrol пишет: иссертация по Рахуле The Raven And The Serpent: "the Great All Pervading Rahula" And Daemonic Buddhism In India And Tibet Author: Cameron Mcmullin Bailey http://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6952&context=etd С большим интересом дочитываю уже эту диссертацию... Очень рекоммендую тем, кто получал или хочет получить передачу на его практику... Спасибо ещё раз за ссылку...

crac333: https://ia801408.us.archive.org/12/items/SahajiyaCultOfBengal/Sahajiya%20cult%20of%20Bengal%20and%20panca-sakha%20cult%20of%20Orissa.pdf Др форматы здесь внизу справа - https://archive.org/details/SahajiyaCultOfBengal + две статьи http://odisha.gov.in/e-magazine/Orissareview/2014/Jun/engpdf/115-119.pdf http://odisha.gov.in/e-magazine/Orissareview/2010/July/engpdf/97-103.pdf кое что из этой темы я уже постил так что если повторился - прошу простить.

Suraj: Available for Pre-Ordering now! Anuyoga: Exploring the One Taste of the Three Mandalas By the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches $22.00 http://www.padmasambhava.org/cart/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=789&osCsid=fbafdbcbe83e405327df8b1f1329290c Available for Pre-Ordering now! Being published in June 2015 Key to Opening the Wisdom Door of Anuyoga: Exploring the One Taste of the Three Mandalas. By the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches. 2009 PSL Shedra Teachings. “By engaging the Anuyoga teachings a practitioner discovers the “three vajra states of the buddha”: (1) vajra body, (2) vajra speech, and (3) vajra mind. If we discuss the three vajra states as something external, when the form aggregate of earth is purified—along with water—that is known as the “vajra body.” When fire and wind are purified, that is known as “vajra speech.” And when the sky and mind are purified, that is known as “vajra wisdom mind.” Having reached enlightenment through the techniques of Anuyogatantra, a practitioner achieves the very same realization and qualities of Buddha Shakyamuni, as explained in the general Mahayana teachings.” Paperback. 363 pages. Published by Padmasambhava Buddhist Center in 2015.

crac333: Не книга, скорее статья, но все же))) Frances Garrett TAPPING THE BODY’S NECTAR: GASTRONOMY AND INCORPORATION IN TIBETAN LITERATURE http://francesgarrett.chass.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/TappingGarrett.pdf

Namdrol: Ayu Khandro Simhamukha Gongter Translated by John Myrdhin Reynolds https://ru.scribd.com/doc/266501168/Ayu-Khandro-Simhamukha-Gongter

Нандзед Дорже: Спасибо вам!

Namdrol: https://ru.scribd.com/doc/268713667/Ayu-Khandro-Heart-Advice Heart Advice of Ayu Khandro Текст передавался на ритрите по Симхамуке. Март 2013 "Этот текст не для чтения, а для понимания" (С) ЧННР

Нандзед Дорже: Да, у меня есть запись ретрита. Тем не менее, спасибо за текст)).

Suraj: The gods of the directions in Ancient India http://www.academia.edu/3029535/The_Gods_of_the_Directions_in_Ancient_India_Origin_and_Early_Development_in_Art_and_Literature_until_c._1000_A.D._

crac333: Для всех кому интересна индология ( в крнтексте дальних истоков пантеона Ваджраяны наиболее интересна, наверное, глава о Яме...хотя книжка ваще вкусная...) http://upanishada.ru/books/dandekar/dandekar_ot_ved_k_induizmu.pdf цитатка для затравочки: Стр.86 Упоминание падбиши – пут на ногах (РВ. X.97.16), посланцев Ямы улуки – совы и капоты – голубя (X.165.4) и его двух псов (X.14.10-12) еще более способствует утверждению Ямы как страшного Бога смерти. как всетаки близки интуиции и образы причем не только в индоевропейском а почти что в мировом контексте....на Руси вот тоже и до сих пор есть поверье что голубь разбивший стекло и таким образом влетевший в окно к смерти...самому приходилось слышать пару таких легенд тс из современности...)....а может не легенд...ну эт я так к слову))))

Aurum: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche — Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma, Vol. 1 скачать Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche — Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma, Vol. 2 скачать

Namdrol: Аурум! Дякую тебе! ))

crac333: www.exmisa.org/download/file.php?id=4122 David N. Lorenzen The Kāpālikas and Kālāmukhas: two lost Śaivite sects -- вообще у автора интересный список работ, может кому пригодится))): The Kāpālikas and Kālāmukhas: two lost Śaivite sects Religious Movements in South Asia 600-1800 Who invented Hinduism: essays on religion in History Bhakti Religion in North India: Community Identity and Political Action Praises to a formless god: Nirguṇī texts from North India Kabir legends and Ananta-das's Kabir Parachai Yogi Heroes and Poets: Histories and Legends of the Naths Religious change and cultural domination: XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa Studies on Asia and Africa from Latin America Nirgun Santon Ke Swapana The Scourge Of The Mission: Marco della Tomba in Hindustan Atadura y liberación (Estudios De Asia Y Africa) (Spanish Edition) Myths of the Dog-Man. (book reviews): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society History and Historiography of the Age of Harsha. (book reviews): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society Historical Dictionary of Sikhism.(Review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society A Catalog Of Manuscripts In The Kabir Chaura Monastery, Expanded Edition[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lorenzen

Suraj: GREAT DISCIPLES OF THE BUDDHA http://www.wisdompubs.org/book/great-disciples-buddha/table-of-contents CONTENTS Preface Credits Abbreviations Editor’s Introduction 1. Sāriputta: The Marshal of the Dhamma Prologue The Quest for the Dhamma Early Life The Original Aspiration Sāriputta in the Jātakas Sāriputta the Man The Chief Disciple The Helper The Unresentful Friendships and Relatives The Meditator The Turner of the Wheel The Suttas Expository Works The Abhidhamma The Further Shore The Last Debt Paid Cunda Sutta Ukkacelā Sutta Discourses of Sāriputta Majjhima Nikāya Dīgha Nikāya Aṅguttara Nikāya Saṁyutta Nikāya 2. Mahāmoggallāna: Master of Psychic Powers Youth Wandering and Spiritual Search Finding the Dhamma The Struggle for Realization of the Teaching The Most Excellent Pair of Disciples Moggallāna’s Psychic Powers Penetration of Others’ Minds (Thought Reading) The Divine Ear (Clairaudience) The Divine Eye (Clairvoyance) Travel by Mind-Made Body (Astral Travel) Telekinesis (Supernormal Locomotion) The Power of Transformation Moggallāna’s Previous Lives Moggallāna’s Verses The Last Days of Moggallāna Moggallāna’s Death 3. Mahākassapa: Father of the Sangha Kassapa’s Early Years Bhaddā Kapilānī The Saṁsāric Background How Kassapa Came to the Buddha Kassapa’s Relationship to the Buddha Encounters with Deities Relations with Fellow Monks After the Buddha’s Parinibbāna The Verses of Mahākassapa 4. Ānanda: Guardian of the Dhamma Ānanda’s Personal Path Ānanda’s Renown The Buddha’s Attendant The Guardian of the Dhamma Ānanda’s Attitude Toward Women Ānanda and His Fellow Monks Conversations with the Buddha Ānanda’s Former Lives Jātaka 498 Jātaka 421 Jātaka 282 The Last Days of the Buddha After the Buddha’s Parinibbāna 5. Anuruddha: Master of the Divine Eye Early Life and Ordination The Struggle for Arahantship Anuruddha’s Spiritual Path Life in the Sangha Anuruddha and Women Anuruddha’s Earlier Lives The Buddha’s Parinibbāna and Afterward 6. Mahākaccāna: Master of Doctrinal Exposition Introduction The Saṁsāric Background Kaccāna’s Conversion to the Dhamma Various Incidents The Elaborator of Brief Statements Majjhima Nikāya Saṁyutta Nikāya Aṅguttara Nikāya Other Teachings of Mahākaccāna The Theragāthā Verses The Exegetical Treatises 7. Great Women Disciples of the Buddha Visākhā: The Buddha’s Chief Patroness Mallikā: The Flower-girl Queen Khemā of Great Wisdom Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā: The Debating Ascetic Kisāgotamī: The Mother with the Dead Child Soṇā with Many Children Nandā: The Buddha’s Half-sister Queen Sāmāvatī: Embodiment of Loving-kindness Paṭācārā: Preserver of the Vinaya Ambapālī: The Generous Courtesan Sirimā and Uttarā Isidāsī: A Journey through Saṁsāra 8. Aṅgulimāla: A Murderer’s Road to Sainthood The Making of a Serial Killer Aṅgulimāla Becomes a Monk “Born with the Noble Birth” Aṅgulimāla’s Verses 9. Anāthapiṇḍika: The Buddha’s Chief Patron Anāthapiṇḍika Becomes a Disciple The Wealthy Patron Anāthapiṇḍika’s Family Anāthapiṇḍika and His Friends Discourses by the Blessed One The Death of Anāthapiṇḍika 10. Shorter Lives of the Disciples The Householder Citta The Bhikkhu Citta Father and Mother Nakula Notes Bibliography Contributors Index

Suraj: DUDJOM LINGPA'S VISIONS OF THE GREAT PERFECTION http://www.wisdompubs.org/book/dudjom-lingpas-visions-great-perfection/table-of-contents Hardcover 950 pages, 6x9 inches $120.00 ISBN 978161429314

Suraj: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (on line in PDF format): http://www.international.ucla.edu/buddhist/article/127396

Suraj: Chimed Sok Tig (Quintessence of Deathlessness) Long Life Practice practice of the Dudjom Tersar practice of Amitayus (Tse pag med) http://vimalatreasures.org/ AND http://vimalatreasures.org/free-downloads.aspx

Aurum: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche — Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma, Vol. 4 Скачать Третьего тома что-то пока нету.

crac333: http://yamantaka.tibetlang.ru/ что думает благородное собрание, стоит ли заказать?

Нандзед Дорже: Всё зависит от уровня ваших интересов и знаний об этом цикле тантр. Черканите мне на почту, я вам её пришлю).

Suraj: The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga 856 pages in PDF https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjABahUKEwjA9_DIhdvGAhUNf5IKHc7WD74&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FThe-Path-Purification-Visuddhimagga-Meditation%2Fdp%2F1928706010&ei=ATmlVYDzMo3-yQTOrb_wCw&usg=AFQjCNFI2-XKaUp7UeHVcI2MFGVYOAc9Gg&sig2=O1bLrJpY4K8cInS4fqAp0A&bvm=bv.97653015,d.aWw

Manikarnika: Suraj пишет: The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga 856 pages in PDF https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ppn4r1jqebx8yx9/AADBZnaC0JWwlX1a6MAB2TbPa?dl=0

Manikarnika: http://smile.amazon.com/Tibetan-Zen-Discovering-Lost-Tradition/dp/1559394463/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437752771&sr=8-1&keywords=Tibetan+Zen&pebp=1437752777901&perid=0T2ZN8P965MH7MJK7726 ... Until the early twentieth century, hardly any traces of the Tibetan tradition of Chinese Chan Buddhism, or Zen, remained. Then the discovery of a sealed cave in Dunhuang, full of manuscripts in various languages dating from the first millennium CE, transformed our understanding of early Zen. This book translates some of the earliest surviving Tibetan Zen manuscripts preserved in Dunhuang. The translations illuminate different aspects of the Zen tradition, with brief introductions that not only discuss the roles of ritual, debate, lineage, and meditation in the early Zen tradition but also explain how these texts were embedded in actual practices.

Suraj: 2 Manikarnika Заказал ещё вчера, вместе c вышедшим наконец натаром Ра лотзавы

Shus: Для тех кому недоступна книга. У Ван Шайка есть цикл из пяти постов в его блоге: Tibetan Chan V: Dzogchen and Chan (в конце ссылка на предыдущие четыре). Плюс две статьи на эту тему (одна в соавторстве с Далтоном): Sam van Schaik - Dzogchen, Chan and the Question of Influence Sam van Schaik, Dalton J. - When chan and tanta meet (2004) Кстати, если у кого нибудь есть в электроном виде книга Далтона: "Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism" - был бы признателен.

den: Shus пишет: Кстати, если у кого нибудь есть в электроном виде книга Далтона: "Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism" - был бы признателен. Здесь: http://www.filedropper.com/38743534

Shus: den пишет: Здесь:................ Премного благодарен, скачал. Завтра займусь конвертацией.

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