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Интерестные статьи о тантризме

Suraj: Тут я предлагаю давать ссылки на интерестные статьи связанные с тантризмом различных традиций. Вот весьма интерестнаяй статья о Таре: Tara by Gitarani Praharaj http://orissagov.nic.in/e-magazine/Orissareview/sept-oct-2005/engpdf/Tara.pdf

Ответов - 300, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All

anahata: The Trika Shaivism of Kashmir: Mark Dyczkowski

Suraj: Approaching the Accomplishment of Spiritual Attainments:A Reflection on The Drubchen Practice dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree ofMaster of Studies in Oriental StudiesUniversity of OxfordMay 2017 https://www.academia.edu/33301628/Approaching_the_Accomplishment_of_Spiritual_Attainments_A_Reflection_on_The_Drubchen_Practice

Suraj: The Sweet Sage and the Four Yogas: A Lost Mahāyoga Treatise from Dunhuang Sam van Schaik Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 4: 1-67 https://www.academia.edu/2039970/The_Sweet_Sage_and_the_Four_Yogas_A_Lost_Mah%C4%81yoga_Treatise_from_Dunhuang?email_work_card=title

Чой: Suraj пишет: A Lost Mahāyoga Treatise from Dunhuang Порадовала статья, спасибо ) собственный ум - это путь к освобождению Я знал! Я знал что их махайога, это наша читтаматра

Suraj: Ну там вроде главный посыл, что Маха-иога тантра зиджется на воззрении Дзогчен, а линия Зур Гухьягарбхи, которай почитается, как "чистое воззрение маха-иоги", - лишь одна из трактовок согласно более низким уровням воззрения. НО, в любо случае, - это не термы виноваты перемешав методы маха-иога-тантр с воззрением Дзогчен. Видимо, симбиоз был изначальным. Жаль, что места зарождения этого класса тантр, - вотчина диких маджахедов в наши дни.

Suraj: The Alchemy of Accomplishing Medicine Situating the Yuthok Heart Essence (G.yu thog snying thig) in Literature and History Frances Garrett https://www.academia.edu/998908/The_Alchemy_of_Accomplishing_Medicine_sman_sgrub_Situating_the_Yuthok_Heart_Essence_G._yu_thog_snying_thig_in_Literature_and_History

Suraj: Ascending to Heaven after Death: Karma Chags med's Commentary on Mind Transference Georgios T. Halkias https://www.academia.edu/40713875/Ascending_to_Heaven_after_Death_Karma_Chags_meds_Commentary_on_Mind_Transference?email_work_card=thumbnail

Suraj: From Yogācāra to Philosophical Tantra in Kashmir and Tibet Douglas Duckworth https://www.academia.edu/36590143/From_Yog%C4%81c%C4%81ra_to_Philosophical_Tantra_in_Kashmir_and_Tibet?email_work_card=title This paper outlines a shift in the role of self-awareness from Yogācāra to tantra and connects some of the dots between Yogācāra, Pratyabhijñā, and Bud-dhist tantric traditions in Tibet. As is the case with Yogācāra, the Pratyabhijñā tradition of Utpaladeva (10th c.) maintains that awareness is self-illuminating and constitutive of objects. Utpaladeva's commentator and influential successor, Abhinavagupta (10th–11th c.), in fact quotes Dharmakīrti's (7th c.) argument from the Pramāṇaviniścaya that objects are necessarily perceived objects (sahopalambhaniyama). That is, everything known is known in consciousness; there is nothing that can be known outside or separate from consciousness. This aspect of Pratyabhijñā thought is shared with Yogācāra. While Utpaladeva drew upon Yogācāra epistemology to formulate a differential construction of objects (via apoha), he departed from this theory to develop a distinctive monistic framework for the interpretation of subjectivity. By appealing to the ultimate reality of a singularly nonconceptual, transcendental subject rather than a plurality of (non)conceptual particulars, Utpaladeva appropriated Dharmakīrti's epistemo-logical model while turning it on its head. That is, Utpaladeva critiqued Dharmakīrti in one context (his external realism) while he is indebted to him in another (his epistemic idealism) to establish the framework for his own absolute idealism, where everything happens in and through the absolute self that is Śiva. Utpaladeva extended (or made explicit) the place of self-awareness in Yogācāra to formulate an absolute idealism that is the theoretic foundation for philosophical tantra. In this paper, I will chart a trajectory of this development, from Yogācāra to Pratyabhijñā, and show how a parallel development took place in tantric assimilations of Yogācāra in Tibet.

Suraj: The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs chen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction Between Dualistic Mind (sems) and Primordial Knowing (ye shes). (2013) 369p. ISBN 13: 978-3-902501-16-5. WSTB No. 78. David Higgins https://www.academia.edu/35130661/The_Philosophical_Foundations_of_Classical_rDzogs_chen_in_Tibet_Investigating_the_Distinction_Between_Dualistic_Mind_sems_and_Primordial_Knowing_ye_shes_._2013_369p._ISBN_13_978-3-902501-16-5._WSTB_No._78?email_work_card=view-paper Хороший анализ сходств и отличий в трактовки алая-виджяны в иогачаре и махасанди (дзогчен).

Suraj: Buddhist Astrology and Astral Magic in the Tang Dynasty (PhD Dissertation) Jeffrey Kotyk https://www.academia.edu/35484261/Buddhist_Astrology_and_Astral_Magic_in_the_Tang_Dynasty_PhD_Dissertation_?email_work_card=title

Suraj: Jeffrey Kotyk "Tejaprabhā Buddha 熾盛光佛" https://www.academia.edu/42811423/Tejaprabh%C4%81_Buddha_%E7%86%BE%E7%9B%9B%E5%85%89%E4%BD%9B_Brills_Encyclopedia_of_Buddhism_Volume_II?email_work_card=title

Suraj: The Sādhana of the “Adamantine Body” Maṇḍala --- A Critical Edition and a Translation of the Sanskrit Ḍākārṇava Chapter 50-8 Tsunehiko Sugiki https://www.academia.edu/36426493/The_S%C4%81dhana_of_the_Adamantine_Body_Ma%E1%B9%87%E1%B8%8Dala_---_A_Critical_Edition_and_a_Translation_of_the_Sanskrit_%E1%B8%8C%C4%81k%C4%81r%E1%B9%87ava_Chapter_50-8_?email_work_card=title

Suraj: "The evolution of the Buddhist rakṣā genre in the light of new evidence from Gandhāra: The *Manasvi-nāgarāja-sūtra from the Bajaur Collection of Kharoṣṭhī Manuscripts" by Ingo Strauch https://www.academia.edu/24908899/The_evolution_of_the_Buddhist_rak%E1%B9%A3%C4%81_genre_in_the_light_of_new_evidence_from_Gandh%C4%81ra_The_Manasvi-n%C4%81gar%C4%81ja-s%C5%ABtra_from_the_Bajaur_Collection_of_Kharo%E1%B9%A3%E1%B9%ADh%C4%AB_Manuscripts?email_work_card=title

Suraj: JU MI PHAM ON PURE LAND DOCTRINE AND PRACTICE: The present study looks at self-power and other-power in a Tibetan Buddhist context. The tension between self-power and other-power concerns the mechanism behind rebirth in the pure land Sukhāvati; that is, whether rebirth is achieved through one’s own volition (self-power) or, conversely, through an external force such as the supernatural powers of Amitābha (other-power). Self-power and other-power are discussed at length in Japanese Buddhist Studies where they are called jiriki and tariki, respectively, and even has some distant parallels in Christian theology (namely, works and grace). https://www.academia.edu/35095965/JU_MI_PHAM_ON_PURE_LAND_DOCTRINE_AND_PRACTICE?email_work_card=title

Suraj: The Guhyasamāja Piṇḍikṛta-sādhana and its context Sayer, Rhonwen Thesis supervisor(s) Skorupski, Tadeusz https://zenodo.org/record/3489729#.Xw9Q1ZNKhTY

Suraj: Очень информативный портал по тантрическим и пураническим практикам индийских дэватов. Интересная информация о бардо (из гаруда-пураны). Рекомендую к изучению... https://www.manblunder.com/

Suraj: MA thesis: “Materials for the Study of Gesar Practices.” 412pp. https://www.academia.edu/10003805/MA_thesis_Materials_for_the_Study_of_Gesar_Practices_412pp?email_work_card=title

Suraj: https://www.academia.edu/2039970/The_Sweet_Sage_and_the_Four_Yogas_A_Lost_Mah%C4%81yoga_Treatise_from_Dunhuang?email_work_card=title The Sweet Sage and The Four Yogas Lost Mahāyoga Treatise from Dunhuang Sam van Schaik Abstract: This article presents a previously unknown tantric treatise from the Dunhuang collections. Dating to the ninth or tenth century, the treatise is an earlyand important example of the Tibetan assimilation of Indic tantric Buddhism, in particular the form known as Mahāyoga. The treatise is especially interesting for showing how Mahāyoga and Great Perfection (Rdzogs chen) or Atiyoga were closely associated with each other during this early stage in their development. The treatise, which is based on the work of a previously unknown Indic teacher called Madhusādhu, is translated here in full along with annotated transcription.

Suraj: "Mirror Divination. Observations on a Simile Found in the Kālacakra Literature". GIACOMELLA OROFINO https://www.academia.edu/4792253/_Mirror_Divination_Observations_on_a_Simile_Found_in_the_K%C4%81lacakra_Literature_In_Tibetan_Studies_Proceedings_of_the_6th_Seminar_of_the_International_Association_for_Tibetan_Studies_The_Institute_for_Comparative_Research_in_Human_Culture_pp_612_628?email_work_card=title

Suraj: Shakti Rupa: A Comparative Study of Female Deities in Hinduism, Buddhism and Bon Tantra URMI CHANDA-VAZ Dissertation for PG Diploma in Comparative M!thology(Department of Sanskrit) University of Mumbai https://www.academia.edu/8147283/Shakti_Rupa_A_Comparative_Study_of_Female_Deities_in_Hinduism_Buddhism_and_Bon_Tantra?email_work_card=title

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