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Астрология в помощь тантрикам.

Suraj: Астрология в помощь тантрикам. В этой теме будет помещаться астрологическая информация полезная в тантрической садхане. Певый постинг каксается просьбы, повторяемой различными людьми, касательно показаний к практике тантры, которую можно извлечь из гороскопа построенному согласно различным системам Джётиш (ведической астрологии). Источник ниже: The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology 419 pages, softbound, 8.5" x 11" By Robert A. Koch Paravidya Publications Price: $33.00 USD http://www.robertkoch.com/book.html The Lagamsa (the lagna of the Navamsa chart) and the karakamsa or KL (navamsa attained by the AK [Atma-karaka]) are both described as “Svamsa” by sage Jaimini. … Devotees of the path Jnana-Yoga , …, frequently have malefics in strength in trines to the karakamsa lagna. Those well versed in mantra-shastra, for example, have strong malefics in such positions. Further to the above, expertise in spells and occult knowledge occurs when malefics in strength are in trines from Svamsa. One malefic gives knowledge of mantra, two malefics indicate knowledge of various mantras, while more then two malefics gives knowledge of yantras and tantra (Tantra-yoga). Malefics in trines from karakamsa give expertise in black magic when aspected by other malefics. Malefisc in trines aspected by benefics give expertise in white magic. In connection, note that there is a difference between malefics in trine to Lagnamsa, as opposed to those in trines to karakamsa. Knowledge of black magic is used to harm others, where as white magic is meant to protect. If the above combinations are in trine to Laghamsa, then the person makes living from this knowledge. If they are in trine to the Karakamsa, then the magic is very strong and is used to either auspicious or inauspicious purposes respectively.

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